How to Be a Successful Blogger: One Habit You Need for Blogging Success

The Secret to Blogging Success Is Not What You Think

Consistency is the key to blogging success. Yeah, you’ve probably heard and read this a million times, but this blog post will make you leave with knowledge (or your money back).

Let me tell you why anyway.

As a beginner, we always aim to look for the best recipe for great success in our blogging career. Researching, and researching until you fell asleep on wanting to know how to write a blog post that will go viral, attract millions of visitors like your favorite bloggers, and make a huge sum of money.

Well, I am here to tell you that the secret to blogging success is not what you think.

SEO, SEO, it’s all about the SEO. But don’t forget the content, yo! SEO is important, but don’t forget to write for your readers, not the bots.

SEO for blogging success

What do I mean by that?

Basically, if you focus on just writing SEO optimized keywords just for the sake of thinking that you will rank higher immediately then SEO would be useless if your content is crap. SEO won’t save your blogging career in that way.

I just want to remind you that the blogging world is constantly changing, so write a content that is informative and engaging articles that your readers will surely enjoy.

Now, here is the tea. Consistently showing up and publishing content on a regular basis is what matters the most. It doesn’t matter if you want to want to publish a new post every day, every week, or even every month as long as you are sticking to your blogging schedule.

Now, you are probably thinking: “But Mary, I am not a good writer. I am not as creative as other famous bloggers to come up with new blog ideas. And I don’t think I can generate traffic that much.”

Well, I am here to tell you that you are wrong again. If you are just literally a beginner as a blogger, and you don’t have any writing experience as a content writer then it is fine to just be yourself in your blog. Because I believe that everyone has something to say in their mind, and there is an audience for everyone. Not that much, but at least there is someone who finds your content valuable.

I like it to put this way, “Blogging is like running a marathon, except you’re not moving. And you’re not wearing shoes. And you’re not going anywhere.”

If you’re not sure what to write about, start by thinking about your interests and passions. What do you like to talk about? What do you know a lot about? Once you have a few ideas, start brainstorming blog post topics. Break it down into pieces.

You can write about things you’re passionate about, interview interesting people, and even share your own personal stories. But do not forget that this is not all about you. The best advice is to always include your audience, make them feel like, “Oh, that’s so me.”

And don’t worry about being a good writer. Just write from the heart and be yourself. Your readers will appreciate your honesty and authenticity. If they are your target audience then they will definitely love what you are writing.

Remember, the most important thing is to be consistent. Keep showing up and publishing new content, and you’ll eventually build a community of yours.

Don’t forget that the only constant thing in this world is change so it is important that you are also willing to experiment with new things. It is okay if you have different writing style on every blog post that you are going to write. You can explore different topic, and try different method to promote your blog.

“Achieving blogging success is like fishing. You have to be patient and persistent. And sometimes, you have to reel in a catfish instead of a trout.”

Because the more you experiment, the more likely you were going to be able to find what works the best for you and your readers.

If you badly want to optimize your SEO keywords then don’t stuff your content with keywords. Instead, use them naturally throughout your content because readers can tell if you are just writing for the sake of content.

Important note: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO FAIL

Everyone makes mistakes. If you publish a blog post that doesn’t get a lot of traffic, or if you make a typo in your headline, don’t sweat it. Just learn from your mistakes and move on.

Most of the successful bloggers that you know today have faced failures too. They had their ups and downs before, but it didn’t take them overnight to achieve their blogging success stories.

Embrace failure as it is part of your learning process. Pick yourself up, take a break, and keep going.

You will also experience ups and downs, but just like a roller coaster it is just an adventure.

Here are some tips that even I do to keep me motivated in my blogging career:

  1. Setting a timer and commit for an hour blog writing then take a break.
  2. Batching my blog works so that I can spread it out over the week or month.
  3. I love cats so much that I sometimes imagine that my readers are kittens who are eagerly waiting for my next blog post. I think about how happy they’ll be when they read my new content and how much they’ll learn from it. This gives me the motivation to keep writing.
  4. Celebrate your success every time you posted a new blog post. Get yourself even a simple reward to keep you motivated.

So, there you have it. The secret to blogging success is not SEO, but rather consistency. Even if you’re not a good writer or you’re not sure what to write about, if you’re consistent, you’ll eventually see results.

Now go forth and write blog posts like a boss babe!

If you don’t know what writing style to use, you can visit some of my favorite bloggers that I listed.

Bloggers to follow:

Struggling to formulate your blog content ideas? You might want to avail our eBook.


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